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Centrelink Consultations

Are you confused by the Centrelink maze? We’ll help navigate it for you.

  • Comprehensive consultation with one of our Centrelink experts
  • Discovery of your potential entitlements using the payment finder and rate estimator.
  • Explanation of how Centrelink assess different payments, concession cards and the asset and income test.
  • Detailed customer appointment record document with a breakdown of your income and assets.

Total cost $330

Age Pension Applications

The claim process can be time-consuming and incredibly frustrating and stressful – Let us do it for you!

  • Completion of age pension claim from start to finish.
  • Personal consultation with one of our pension experts via video link, including an explanation of how Centrelink assess your pension.
  • Detailed customer appointment record document with a breakdown of your income and assets.
  • Registration of Pension Services as your nominee to handle all of your Centrelink claim correspondence.
  • We’ll keep you up to date during the entire process.

From $880*

* The cost of this service will depend on the complexity of your financial situation. A quote will be provided prior to you proceeding with our assistance.

Other Centrelink Applications

We can also assist you with applications for the following benefits

  • Disability Pension
  • Aged Care Entry applications
  • Carer’s Allowance and Payment
  • Assistance with JobSeeker Payments
  • Help with applying for Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
  • Help with calculating how much Rent Allowace, Family Tax A & B you will potentially get.

Total cost $660 – $3,300+

Ongoing Management

Pensions Services ongoing management packages allow you to enjoy a relaxed retirement – You’ll never have to deal with Centrelink again.

  • We’ll keep your Centrelink record up to date by providing regular updates to your income and assets.
  • We’ll respond to any letters or correspondence you receive from Centrelink.
  • We’ll assist you to advise of a change in circumstances to Centrelink.
  • Our consultants will ensure that you’re getting paid the correct amount of age pension.
  • We keep you informed of any changes in legislation and how they may affect you.
  • Access to educational webinars around Centrelink changes

From $880* per annum

* The cost of this service will depend on the complexity of your financial situation. A quote will be provided prior to you proceeding with our assistance.

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